









- 作为由沃顿商学院主办的顶尖商赛,获得该赛事的荣誉不仅是一纸证书,更是对学生商科学术实力和研究能力的肯定,为留学申请增添亮点。

- 赛事过程中的实战与理论学习丰富了学生的文书创作素材,尤其对于商科留学申请者,这样的经历能够展示其对商业领域的热情和专业素养。


- 赛事提供的投资相关课程涵盖经济学、金融学、风险管理等模块,为参赛选手提供了深入了解商业运作的机会,有助于他们在未来的职业规划中更加明确方向。

- 实际投资交易和商业理论结合,为选手提供了模拟真实工作情景的机会,促使其对商业世界有更深入的理解,从而为选择适合自己的专业和学校提供经验积累。


- 沃顿商赛的参与不仅是学术能力的提升,更包括自我学习能力、团队协作与时间管理能力、创新与逻辑思维分析能力等多方面的综合提升。

- 通过与志同道合的小伙伴合作,建立初步的人脉关系,为将来在商业领域发展打下基础。

- 学习资产管理能力也是一个长期受益的技能,对于选手的职业生涯有着重要意义。












































Investment Overview 投资概论

Investment Decisions 投资决策

Portfolio Management 有价证券管理

Company Analysis 公司分析

Financial Reports 财务报表

Financial Ratios 财务比率

Relative Value Ratios 相对值比率

Industry Analysis 行业分析

Ethics and Social Responsibility 道德及社会责任






沃顿商赛是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(U.S News本科商学院TOP1)主办的商业比赛和商业实践项目。


团队必须在沃顿投资模拟器 (WINS) 上进行交易。WInS作为学习应用工具,帮助参赛者制定和实施策略并体验进行交易和成为活跃的股票市场参与者的感觉。



在执行策略时,团队可以根据需要进行尽可能多或尽可能少的股票交易。在 WInS 上进行的每笔交易都必须包含交易说明(交易目的以及它如何适应整体投资策略)。在执行交易之前,系统会提示学生添加交易注释。



- WGHS沃顿投资大赛概览及经典策略分析

- 金融市场导论

- 公司分析、行业分析

- 财务报表:1、财务报表 2、比率分析

- 前瞻性分析&相对价值分析

- Middle-term Review & Case Analysis

- ESG分析

- 资产组合管理

- 金融行业职业道德

- 常见金融估值模型

- 投资策略设计方法

- 竞赛实操指导

- 投资策略发展和执行

- 中期报告写作指导及审阅

- 最终策略报告写作指导及审阅

- 赛前沟通表达、公众演讲及团队协作、领导力培训等

- 模拟演讲环节,面试提问





Our 2023 Investment Competition Global Finale Ends in Sweet Victory for DMV’s Finest

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The story in numbers: 3,200 registered teams from 53 countries, 1,400 submitted final reports, 55 semifinalist teams — all culminating in the international finals of the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition on April 22, 2023, hosted at the Wharton School by the Wharton Global Youth Program.

“And YOU are the Final 10,” declared Eli Lesser, Global Youth’s executive director (pictured above, left, with the winning team), as he welcomed the top teams to the competition’s end game on Saturday, held high above West Philadelphia on the 8th floor of Jon M. Huntsman Hall.

With that, the room of 60 high school students, 10 advisors and a support crew of parents and siblings from five countries — the U.S., Canada, India, South Korea and Czechia — burst into applause and then quickly found their game faces. The time had come to top off 12 weeks of collaboration, learning and investment strategizing with a final chance to pitch for the win.

The first presenters – seven students from team Himalayan Melange at Amity International School in Noida, India — kicked off with the day’s only remote presentation. Each team had 10 minutes to pitch their unique investment strategies (tailored to competition client, Peter Wang Hjemdahl); detail their team analysis; make recommendations; and reflect on key competition takeaways. In the ensuing five minutes, they answered incisive questions from the judges.

For the next four hours, teams dazzled the crowd with professional slide decks, stock-filtering algorithms, international market analysis, carefully crafted portfolios, endless Environmental, Social & Governance considerations, and the “critical pillars” of their creative investment strategies. And while it was a Global Finale for the record books, only three teams could claim the top spots.

The winners of the 2022-2023 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition are (drumroll, please):

🏆 1st Place: DMV’s Finest, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Virginia, U.S.

🏆 2nd Place: Amity 7 Chakras Investments, Amity Regional High School, Connecticut, U.S.

🏆 3rd Place: NovyPorg_1, Novy PORG, Prague, Czechia

Judge Michael DeFlorio (W’92), chief investment officer of Harvest Partners, pointed out that it took he and his colleagues the full hour and then some over lunch to deliberate and select the winning teams. “When I was asked to judge this competition, I had no idea of the quality of the people in this room,” he said. “Everybody really deserved to be here.”

DeFlorio was joined on the judging panel by Muk Rao, product manager and architect with Wharton Research Data Services; Annie Feng, investment manager with abrdn, an asset management company that provided critical support throughout the competition; and Andrea Vittorelli (WG’92), global chairman of JP Morgan Insurance Investment Banking Group.

For DMV’s Finest, the victory was especially sweet. While the team reached the final round in 2022, it did not end up placing. This year’s team included a few original members, as well as several new additions. “We’re ecstatic because it’s two years in the making,” said team co-leader, Jean Lavigne du Cadet.

Added his teammate and co-leader Om Gole, who also competed in 2022: “It’s a perfect story; we really couldn’t have written it any better. Though we didn’t win last year, we still had the resilience to come back and do it again, and it paid off. Huge shoutout to the new members. We all carried our own weight.”

Each member of DMV’s winning team will receive a scholarship to a Wharton Global Youth online program, either Future of the Business World or Essentials of Leadership. In addition, one team from their Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology will automatically advance to next year’s semifinals (as long as they submit all the deliverables) to defend the school’s crown. All finalist teams received trophies.

Fun for Future Investors

Registration for the 2023-2024 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition begins on June 5, 2023. Stay tuned for more information in our Global Youth newsletter and on the Wharton Global Youth Program website.

What will next year bring? As always, a robust financial learning opportunity for an ever-expanding global cohort of earnest young investors – who gain so much more than stock market skills. “We formed this amazing group that worked together like a well-oiled machine, and our friendship will last forever because of the competition,” said student Mojmir Zalesak, leader of third-place winner, Novy_Porg1, which competed in previous years without reaching the final rounds. “We’re the first-ever team from the Czech Republic to be in the competition finals, and third place is an amazing achievement. We can’t wait to share this win with the rest of our country.”

The expanding geographic footprint of the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition is a testament to the Wharton School’s global reach, observes Serguei Netessine, Wharton’s senior vice dean for innovation and global initiatives and Wharton Global Youth’s academic director (pictured above, far right, with the winning team). “Next year,” he reveals, “we will build on the success of the Investment Competition with changes and new competitive experiences to continue engaging teenagers around the world and helping them learn business skills even before they go to college.”


Congratulations to This Year’s Investment Competition Semifinalists!

here might you encounter bulls, doves, wolves, turtles, eagles, lions and even a Himalayan melange? They’re all among the teams that are storming the gates of Wharton Global Youth’s investment competition Semifinal Round.

We’re excited to announce the Top 55 Semifinalist Teams in our annual Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, which this year kicked off on Monday, September 26, 2022.

Following the close of 10 weeks of trading on the WInS stock simulator on December 2, Wharton Global Youth received nearly 1,400 final reports from student teams competing in 53 countries, making this the largest competition to-date.

After careful consideration by our internal reviewers and a group of professional asset managers from abrdn, we have identified this year’s strongest teams. The Top 55 teams advancing to the 2023 Semifinal Round of the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition are:

20.1 Ricochet: Keystone Academy, China

A.I. Buffett Investments: Shanghai American School Pudong Campus, China

AICA: Akademeia High School, Poland

Amity 7 Chakras Investments: Amity Regional High School, United States of America (U.S.) (Connecticut)

Arculus: Green Level High School, U.S. (North Carolina)

Art_of_the_stonk: Memorial High School, U.S. (Texas)

Baldwin Bulls: Baldwin School of Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico

Beyond The Stars: Mahidol University International Demonstration School, Thailand

Blue Tide Capital: Ramaz Upper School, U.S. (New York)

Blueeagleinvestments: South Forsyth High School, U.S. (Georgia)

Buffet999: Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, China

BullsEye Investors: Amity International School, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi, India

Cascade: Rochester Adams High School, U.S. (Michigan)

Colorado22: Cherokee Trail High School, U.S. (Colorado)

Coronado_IFC: Coronado High School, U.S. (Texas)

DMV’s Finest: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, U.S. (Virginia)

Dove Capital: Kristin School, New Zealand

Finance Wolves: UWC East Africa, Tanzania

FRESH.mInD: The Harker School, U.S. (California)

The Golden Touch: BASIS Scottsdale, U.S. (Arizona)

Green Wave Capital: Delbarton School, U.S. (New Jersey)

Haven Finance: Amity International School Saket, India

Himalayan Melange: Amity International School, Sector-44, Noida, India

Horace Mann Investment Group, Horace Mann, U.S. (New York)

island2023: Island School, Hong Kong

JADES Co.: Carmel High School, U.S. (Indiana)

K-Turtles: Cheongshim International Academy, South Korea

Lawrence Investments: Toronto French School, Canada

Major Investments: Shenzhen College of International Education, China

Maroon_Money: Scarsdale High School, U.S. (New York)

NovyPorg_1: Nový PORG, Czechia (Czech Republic)

Ocean Anchor Bankers: Julia R. Masterman, U.S. (Pennsylvania)

OMEGA Robotics: Great Neck South High School, U.S. (New York)

Pennsbury Capital: Pennsbury High School, U.S. (Pennsylvania)

Periapsis: Podar International School — Cambridge, Powai, India

Phillips Exeter Lions: Phillips Exeter Academy, U.S. (New Hampshire)

Phoenix Investments: Davidson Academy, U.S. (Nevada)

Royal Merchant Investments: Amity International School, Sector-44, Noida, India

SAMARITAN: St. George’s School, Canada

SaMudra: Amity International School Vasundhara Sector-6, India

SASEagles2: Singapore American School, Singapore

Sentinels: Sentinel Secondary School, Canada

SMS-Wharton2022: Shenzhen Middle School, China

Spartan Capital Partners: Pleasant Valley High School, U.S.(Iowa)

Spearmint Investing: The Kinkaid School, U.S. (Texas)

Super Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex Warriors: Beijing National Day School, China

Team Name Investments: The Independent Schools Foundation Academy, Hong Kong

The Bloor Group: Bloor Collegiate Institute, Canada

Think Pink Investments: Richard Montgomery High School, U.S. (Maryland)

Touchstone Capital: Canyon Crest Academy, U.S. (California)

United Currency: United World College of South East Asia (East Campus), Singapore

Ventra Capital: Walter Payton College Prep, U.S. (Illinois)

Wonka Investments: Amity International School, Pushp Vihar, New Delhi, India

WHS Team 1: Westwood High School, U.S. (Texas)

WMSInvestClub: The Westminster Schools of Atlanta, U.S. (Georgia)

Congratulations to the 2023 Semifinalists!

And to all the thousands of competing students and advisors who joined us on this journey to learn about client objectives, strategy-building, qualitative and quantitative analysis, teamwork and more, we appreciate your energy and enthusiasm for this year’s Wharton Global High School Investment Competition. We see all your impressive hard work and hope it has helped you to grow.

Please check back with our newsroom, as well as read our monthly newsletter, to stay connected to Wharton Global Youth. You can follow the progress of the top teams as they present virtually in the Semifinals in March 2023 to determine which 10 teams will move on to the April 22 Global Finale on the Wharton School’s Philadelphia campus. It promises to be a fierce competition!


Celebrating the Top 10 Teams in the 2022-2023 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition

Our Wharton Global Youth team at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania has been riding a wave this week – figuratively and literally (sort of).

We rode a strong wave of student investing talent and enthusiasm, while connecting with the top Wharton Global High School Investment Competition teams in the new WAVE classroom, or Wharton Academic Virtual Environment. This high-tech classroom on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus – which we were among the first to use — allows faculty and presenters to link up virtually with students, interacting with them on a vast screen in a fully connected experience.

Starting on Monday, March 20 at 8 a.m., we hosted five virtual events over three days from the WAVE, learning more about the 55 semifinalist student teams in this year’s investment competition and announcing the top two teams from each group that would be advancing to the Global Finale on April 21 and 22, 2023.

That’s right, we selected our Top 10! And here they are:

Amity 7 Chakras Investments, Amity Regional High School, Woodbridge, CT (U.S.)

Art_of_the_stonk, Memorial High School, Frisco, TX (U.S.)

DMV’s Finest, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Alexandria, VA (U.S.)

FRESH.minD, The Harker School, San Jose, CA (U.S.)

Himalayan Melange, Amity International School Noida (India)

JADES Co., Carmel High School, Carmel, IN (U.S.)

K-Turtles, Cheongshim International Academy, Gyeonggi-do (South Korea)

NovyPorg_1, Novy PORG, Prague, Czechia (Czech Republic)

SAMARITAN, St. George’s School, Vancouver, BC (Canada)

WMSInvestClub, The Westminster Schools of Atlanta, Georgia (U.S.)

Honoring Our Competitors

Leading up to the winner announcements during this week’s virtual events, Global Youth Executive Director Eli Lesser (broadcasting live from the WAVE classroom, pictured above) greeted the online team leaders and judges and introduced them to this year’s competition client Peter Hjemdahl in a shared video.

“It’s fantastic to see all of your dedication and hard work and effort up to this point,” said Hjemdahl, a 2019 Wharton School graduate and social entrepreneur. “I participated in many case competitions in my learning journey…what I really appreciated was the opportunity to dive into such challenging, interesting and different problems that you would have otherwise never encountered.”

A total of 15 judges, all finance professionals, spent a few weeks prior to the semifinal events evaluating semifinalist team video presentations to identify the top 10 finalists.

Judge Wayne Williams, assistant professor of accounting at the Fox School of Business, Temple University, joined the virtual semifinals to meet the leaders of the teams he evaluated. “Across the board, the presentations were excellent in terms of creativity and approach,” said Dr. Williams, who is also a lead instructor in Global Youth’s Essentials of Finance program. “What a difficult market you had to navigate. Many experts even had challenges over the last six months. Congratulations to all of you.”

Student team leaders enjoyed a few minutes in the WAVE spotlight to introduce their teams and advisors and talk about their competition experiences. Gurtej B. from team Finance Wolves in Tanzania, Africa, said he felt as though the competition revived his spirt as a leader. “I’ve been able to become a lot more of an attentive listener,” he noted. “It is better to listen to others, as opposed to always thinking that what I believe is right.”

Dylan B. from Horace Mann Investors in New York City, U.S., said, “I used to think that creativity meant to be able to find unique solutions to problems on my own. However, the Wharton Global Youth competition showed me just the opposite. Through brainstorming with my teammates and grueling hours of research, I realized that creativity can be achieved through collaboration and hard work.”

And Sriya A. of Pennsbury Capital in Pennsylvania, U.S., applauded her team’s new financial knowledge. “A big skill we took away from the competition is adaptability in investing,” she observed. “We have to analyze both macro and micro events in order to make the appropriate adjustments to our portfolio. In life, there’s only one constant, which is change. Adaptability to unexpected situations will benefit us.”

Congratulations to the top 10 teams in the 2022-2023 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition!

The top 55 teams will receive semifinalist certificates, a box of Wharton Global Youth swag and a digital badge to display on social media. The 10 finalist teams have now been invited to compete for top honors on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus in April, starting with our annual Learning Day on the 21st and the in-person finale on the 22nd. We can’t wait for the big event! Stay tuned to our Global Youth website and newsletter for all the details.


You can’t build an effective investment strategy without first knowing your client…

Meet Peter Wang Hjemdahl, W’19!

CASE STUDY: You are an analyst team of recent college graduates working at an up-and-coming asset management company, Wharton Global Asset Management (WGAM). The firm currently manages a $100,000,000 portfolio that is invested across several different sectors, representing a broad range of industries and companies. The members of your analyst team hope to one day become portfolio managers who make the final investment decisions for WGAM’s portfolio.

WGAM’s portfolio manager (your team’s teacher/advisor) recently met with a potential client, Peter Wang Hjemdahl, who is looking for help in reaching some specific investment goals (which we’ll get to in a minute).

But first, let’s meet Peter. Raised in China and Norway, Peter came to the United States to attend college at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he co-founded rePurpose Global. After graduation he spent three years in India and is now back in the U.S., where he serves as the Chief Advocacy Officer at rePurpose Global.

“Waste is a global issue that requires a global solution.”

rePurpose Global is a large plastic–action coalition, bringing together brands, innovators, and individuals to combat the plastic–pollution crisis. To date, rePurpose Global has collaborated with people across 26 countries and more than 250 companies, including Grove Collaborative, AB InBev, Clorox, Credit Suisse, Google and Colgate. On behalf of the rePurpose coalition, the company is removing more than 14 million pounds of plastic waste from nature every year, and in doing so, positively impacting the lives of more than 10,000 marginalized waste workers and community members.

“We are living in a plastic epidemic, where there is no single solution. Now more than ever, there is a critical need for like-minded brands to come together and use their collective strength to help tackle plastic pollution head-on.“

Peter is passionate about what he considers to be our planet’s life-support system, the ocean. He contributes both professionally and personally to the vast Blue Economy. When he’s not working to restore its vibrance by removing and recycling plastic waste, he enjoys scuba diving and exploring the world’s deepest waterways and ecosystems with his partner.

Peter gathers strength from holistic health and wellness, which centers him physically, spiritually and emotionally. He works to bring mindfulness — being fully present in the moment — to every aspect of his life. Whether tackling issues that threaten the planet, sparring in the Muay Thai ring or practicing daily yoga, this awareness has helped Peter’s success.

That success has led him to also be mindful about his own wealth management and financial priorities. Peter has heard great things about the creativity and investing knowledge of WGAM’s analyst teams and is considering hiring WGAM to manage an investment portfolio of $100,000, which he hopes will help him achieve two fundamental objectives.

First, he would like to encourage other entrepreneurs. rePurpose is the recipient of several national awards, including one of Penn’s most prestigious. Peter and his co-founder Svanika Balasubramanian were recipients of the University of Pennsylvania’s 2018 President’s Engagement Prize, which helped them grow their startup. Peter, who is 25 years old, wants to pay forward the gratitude that he feels for his entrepreneurial opportunities by supporting emerging innovators.





沃顿全球高中生投资比赛,简称WGHS(原KWHS),是由美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(U.S News本科商学院排名第一)官方举办的商业比赛及商业实践项目。多年来,该比赛已经积累了丰富的成功经验,并在全球范围内享有广泛的知名度。它是一项面向全球9-12年级高中生的免费线上投资竞赛。


团队由4-7名学生组成(包括1名Team Leader),所有学生都必须来自同一所学校,来自不同学校的学生不允许在同一团队中参赛;





▪ 选择其advisor帐户的用户名和密码。

▪ 提供其学校发布的电子邮件地址,以及一个备份电子邮件地址,以便发送所有竞赛通信。

▪ 提供他们的高中名称和网站,以及学校校长/校长的姓名和电子邮件地址。

▪ 指出他们请求的团队帐户数(最多五个)。



获胜队伍并非是绝对投资回报率(absolute return on investment)最高的团队,而是在商业和金融知识、团队协作和领导力方面展现最高水准的团队;

考察的也并非某一个人的能力,而是通过团队策略和执行,达到最高水准“团队输出”(team deliverables)”的队伍。
















