
沃顿商赛是当前全球范围内唯一汇聚世界顶尖知名度和高含金量的中学生商科竞赛,被誉为“商科竞赛的国际奥林匹克”。这项比赛由美国宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院(U.S News本科商学院排名第一)的官方主办,涵盖了沃顿体系的商业比赛及商业实践项目,具备多年成功经验和广泛知名度。参加沃顿商赛你将获得哪些技能?







































- 学习并应用风险管理、多元化投资策略、公司分析、行业分析以及投资估值等金融核心知识。

- 通过实际案例分析和模拟交易,将理论知识转化为实际操作能力。


- 在竞赛中,参赛者需要运用批判性思维来分析复杂的经济现象和市场动态。

- 开展深入的行业研究和公司分析,培养独立思考和独立研究的能力。


- 竞赛通常以团队形式进行,参赛者需与不同背景的同学协作,共同完成任务。

- 在此过程中,提升团队合作精神,锻炼领导力和组织协调能力。


- 参赛者需要清晰地向评委和队友表达自己的观点,有效沟通想法。

- 通过多次答辩和讨论,提高口头和书面沟通能力。


- 竞赛中的案例分析、投资策略制定等环节与现实金融世界紧密相连。

- 通过模拟真实场景,参赛者能够更好地理解金融市场的运作规律。


- 竞赛提供了一个实践平台,让参赛者有机会将所学知识应用于实际工作中。

- 为未来的职业生涯打下坚实的基础,提高职业素养和就业竞争力。


- 一份参与国际级竞赛的经历,无疑丰富了留学生的个人简历。

- 对于申请商科名校或相关专业研究生项目,竞赛成绩和经历将成为有力的加分项。

- 同时,竞赛中的优异表现也有助于吸引未来雇主的注意,拓展职业发展的可能性。





























团队利用wins系统进行交易操作,实施自己的投资方案并最终形成最终报告(Final Strategy Overview)作为参赛作品。







































  1. 关注官方网站:定期访问沃顿商赛官方网站,获取最新、最准确的赛事信息。
  2. 跟踪社交媒体:关注官方社交媒体账号,及时获取赛事动态及相关通知。
  3. 研读比赛规则:逐条阅读比赛规则,确保团队在备赛过程中不出现违规行为。
  4. 明确提交要求:了解商业计划书、演示文稿等提交材料的格式、大小及截止日期等要求。


  1. 选拔标准:以商业思维、执行力、团队协作能力为选拔标准,挑选出最优秀的团队成员。
  2. 角色分配:根据成员特长,合理分配项目总监、市场分析师、财务专家等角色。
  3. 团队建设:通过定期团建活动,增强团队凝聚力,提高协作效率。


  1. 关注时事:密切关注全球商业、科技、社会等领域的发展趋势,挖掘创新点。
  2. 创新方向:以创新为核心,围绕可持续、环保、社会责任等方向展开策划。
  3. 创意打磨:多次召开头脑风暴会议,对创意进行反复推敲和完善,确保其独特性和竞争力。


  1. 明确目标:清晰阐述商业计划的目标、愿景和使命,使评委一目了然。
  2. 市场分析:深入挖掘目标市场的潜力、竞争态势及客户需求,为制定营销策略提供有力支持。
  3. 营销策略:根据市场分析结果,制定切实可行的营销策略,确保产品或服务能够顺利推向市场。
  4. 财务预测:基于严谨的市场分析和营销策略,进行合理的财务预测,展示项目的盈利潜力。
  5. 可行性论证:对商业计划的实施可行性进行深入论证,消除评委的疑虑。


  1. 熟悉流程:详细了解答辩环节的流程、时间安排及注意事项。
  2. 模拟练习:组织多次模拟答辩,让团队成员熟悉各自的角色和任务。
  3. 提升表达能力:通过演讲培训、辩论赛等方式,提高团队成员的表达能力和应变能力。
  4. 准备应对问题:预测可能出现的提问,并准备相应的回答,展现团队的自信和专业素养。




Here Are the Top 50 Teams Advancing to Wharton Global Youth’s 2024 Investment Competition Semifinals

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It’s the moment that thousands of competitors have been waiting for! The Wharton Global Youth Program has identified the Top 50 Semifinalist Teams in our annual Wharton Global High School Investment Competition, which this year launched on Monday, September 25, 2023.

Following the end of trading on Friday, December 1, Wharton Global Youth received more than 1,600 final reports from students representing 63 countries.

After careful consideration by our internal reviewers and a group of professional asset managers from abrdn in Philadelphia, we have selected this year’s strongest teams – including one team from last year’s first-place school, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, which won an automatic spot among the semifinalists.

The top 50 teams advancing to the 2024 Semifinal Round of the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition are:

4RFMs: Kolej Yayasan UEM, Malaysia

A.S.L: Point Grey Secondary School, Canada

Ace Analysts: Peddie School, U.S. (NJ)

Alpha Asset Management: Instituto Alpha Lumen, Brazil

Arcadia Avengers: Arcadia School, United Arab Emirates

Beats from D-Street: Amity International School, Noida, India

Big Apple Investment: Stuyvesant High School, U.S. (NY)

Capital Catalysts: Dhirubhai Ambani International School, India

ChaChaPartners: Marriotts Ridge High School, U.S. (MD)

CHS Invest Elites: William P. Clements High School, U.S. (TX)

Croton Securities Council: Croton Harmon High School, U.S. (NY)

DMV’s Finest: Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, U.S. (VA)

Dulwich Investors: Dulwich College Beijing, China

Eagle Equities: Singapore American School, Singapore

Finance Bros 🤑: The Harker School, U.S. (CA)

Finance X: Qingdao New Oriental Academy, China

Finlytical: University of Toronto Schools, Canada

InvestIQ: Jayshree Periwal International School, India

Matadors-WATA : Miramonte High School, U.S. (CA)

Mice In Suits: Carmel High School, U.S. (IN)

Mission Peak Capital: Stratford Preparatory Blackford, U.S. (CA)

NeuralNomics: Sage Hill School, U.S. (CA)

NPIS_1: Nový PORG, Czechia (Czech Republic)

PeakCap: Kunshan Liren Foreign Language School, China

PG: Point Grey Secondary School, Canada

Playmaker Investments: The Ramaz School, U.S. (NY)

Prep Econ Society: Bangkok Prep International School, Thailand

Primitive Panthers: H.B. Plant High School, U.S. (FL)

Profit Pilgrims: Amity International School, Pushp Vihar, India

Prosperity: The Experimental High School Attached to Beijing Normal University, China

Prosperity Pinnacle Investment Co.: Hwa Chong International School, Singapore

Serve and Set Finances: Amity International School, Saket, India

Serving Up Performance: Lambert High School, U.S. (GA)

Silk Quest Capital: Amity International School, Noida, India

Six Hundred Thirteen Capital: The Ramaz School, U.S. (NY)

Spark Investments: Bergen County Academies, U.S. (NJ)

Stadium Capital: Walter Payton College Prep, U.S. (IL)

Stock Surgeons: Amity International School, Sector- 46, Haryana, India

Team Mochi: Newton North High School, U.S. (MA)

The Wolves of Wharton: Pleasant Valley High School, U.S. (IA)

Torchbearer Capital: Island School, Hong Kong

Touchstone Research: Canyon Crest Academy, U.S. (CA)

Trading Edge: Podar International school CBSE Powai, India

Turkey Traders: Richard Montgomery High School, U.S. (MD)

Unreal Investments: Carmel High School, U.S. (IN)

WeCARE Investments: Crofton House School, Canada

Wolf of Western Co.: Western Canada High School, Canada

Wootang: The Lawrenceville School, U.S. (NJ)

Wreckers Wealth Management: Staples High School, U.S. (CT)

WSETTERS: Rochester Adams High School, U.S. (MI)

Congratulations to the 2024 semifinalists!

And to all the thousands of competing students and teacher-advisors who joined us in September 2023, we appreciate your time, energy and enthusiasm for this year’s Wharton Global High School Investment Competition. Those of you who at least submitted midterm reports should have received surveys to help us better understand your individual competition journey. Please fill them out, so we can continue to build a fun, educational and rewarding competition experience.

We consider you all part of our Wharton Global Youth community. We hope you will check back here in our newsroom, as well as sign up for our monthly newsletter, to stay connected to Wharton Global Youth and to follow the progress of the top teams as they compete virtually in the semifinals in March 2024 to determine the 10 teams that will move on to the Global Finale on April 20.

Until then, keep following those stocks and ETFs with a strategic eye and a long-term mindset.


Spark Investments, Bergen County Academies, New Jersey, Brings the Heat to the 2024 Investment Competition Global Finale.

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The abiding theme for the annual Wharton Global High School Investment Competition might well be: You can achieve growth through many paths.

That sentiment was surely on display on Saturday, April 20, 2024, as this year’s top 11 investment competition teams gathered on the 8th floor of the Wharton School’s Jon M. Huntsman Hall in Philadelphia to dazzle family, friends, teachers and judges with their unique investment strategies, team dynamics and new investing knowledge. It was a celebration of growth, reflected in a mosaic of portfolio numbers, stock-filtering algorithms, and powerful teamwork.

Following 11 presentations from teams representing the U.S., India, China and Canada, and some deep deliberation from the judges, Wharton Global Youth Program Senior Executive Director Eli Lesser, announced this year’s top three teams.

The 2023-2024 Wharton Global High School Investment Competition winners are:

🏆 1st Place: Spark Investments, Bergen County Academies, New Jersey, U.S.

🏆 2nd Place: Wreckers Wealth Management, Staples High School, Connecticut, U.S.

🏆 3rd Place: DMV’s Finest, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Virginia, U.S.

Each member of Spark’s winning team will receive a scholarship to a Wharton Global Youth online program. In addition, one team from Bergen County Academies will automatically advance to next year’s semifinals (as long as they submit all the deliverables) to defend the school’s crown. All finalist teams received trophies, as well as special plaques for the top three teams.

Strategic Excellence

The 2023-2024 competition client Hilary Ash, around whom the competing student teams built their goal-driven investment strategies, traveled from her home in San Francisco to participate in the Global Finale festivities. “Congratulations to all of you because what you have done is incredibly impressive,” said Ash, a 2013 graduate of the Wharton School who is now part of the team preparing for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. “Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this competition…I hope that you continue to apply this level of effort to everything that you do.”

The level of excellence among the competition finalists was a consistent narrative from all the day’s guests, particularly the judging panel of industry professionals.

This year’s judges included: Eric Balchunas, senior ETF analyst, Bloomberg Intelligence; Vikas Keswani (W’03), managing director and head of North American specialty lending, HPS Investment Partners; Zoe McCormick, senior investment manager, North American fixed income, abrdn; and Muk Rao (C’94, GSE’97), product manager and architect, Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS).

“We were very, very impressed with the quality of the work,” noted Keswani. “Everyone put a lot of thoughtful pieces of analysis into [your presentations], whether it was efficient frontier, cross correlations, diversification or portfolio theory. We enjoyed that. In some cases, there was a lot of it. And in some cases, there was a little bit of it, but a lot of depth and accuracy. That is one of the things that in my mind differentiated better performances.”

Balchunus praised the teams’ “next level” use of algorithms and machine learning in their strategy designs, while urging them (as investment advisors) to consider behavioral finance and their clients’ emotions during a market downturn. Also with the retail client in mind, McCormick added, “When analyzing someone’s investments, take a look at this person holistically” and consider their total financial picture.

Rao, a long-time fixture on the Global Finale judging panel, summed up the judges’ thoughts: “If you all pursue the other things you love in your life with the same passion, the same honesty, the same rigor, you can do just about anything.”


Wharton Global Youth Hosts Five Virtual Events to Announce the 2024 Investment Competition Finalists

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Macroeconomics looks at the performance, structure, decision-making and behavior of an economy.

This is a fitting concept to apply to last week’s Wharton Global High School Investment Competition semifinals, which involved the top 50 investment competition teams in the Wharton School investment challenge, as well as several of the judges who evaluated the teams’ semifinal video presentations.

During five virtual events, hosted in the Wharton Academic Virtual Environment (WAVE) room by Wharton Global Youth senior executive director Eli Lesser (pictured above), observers witnessed major macro-competition metrics, from stories of team performance and strategic structure to deeply collaborative decision-making.

And behavior? Enthusiastic cheers and fist pumps from each group followed the announcements of the top teams that have been chosen to advance to the end game.

The 11 teams moving on to the 2024 Wharton Investment Competition Global Finale are (in alphabetical order):

  • Ace Analysts, Peddie School, New Jersey, U.S.
  • Big Apple Investments, Stuyvesant High School, New York, U.S.
  • DMV’s Finest, Thomas Jefferson High School for Science & Tech, Virginia, U.S.
  • Dulwich Investors, Dulwich College Beijing, China
  • Finance Bros 🤑, The Harker School, California, U.S.
  • InvestIQ, Jayshree Periwal International School, Jaipur, India
  • Serve and Set Finances, Amity International School, Saket, India
  • Spark Investments, Bergen County Academies, New Jersey, U.S.
  • Turkey Traders, Richard Montgomery High School, Maryland., U.S.
  • Wolf of Western Co., Western Canada High School, Calgary, Canada
  • Wreckers Wealth Management, Staples High School, Connecticut, U.S.

These finalist teams are already busy refining their investment-strategy presentations that they will deliver to a panel of industry judges on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus on April 20. Finalist teams are also invited to attend a campus Learning Day on April 19. Check out last year’s day of learning and networking for a hint of what’s to come.

‘Happening in the Real World’

The semifinal judges attending each of the five events offered some reflections to the 50 teams, who were selected from a batch of more than 1,600 that submitted final investment competition reports back in December 2023.

“I feel that the future of risk management is in good hands by having such incredible young people from across the world bringing diverse perspectives and experiences to the world of investing,” said Marcus Shaw, CEO of AltFinance, an initiative that aims to expand opportunities for students at Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the alternative investment industry that has partnered with the Wharton School. Shaw served as a semifinals judge for the Wharton Global Youth competition this year. “I love the fact that people took different approaches to thinking about the macroeconomic factors and thinking about how do you assess that risk? How do you develop risk-monitoring metrics for different changes in the macro environment and other constraints around ESG? I thought it was incredible that we had people that did straight fundamental bottom-up analysis, and we had people that utilized machine-learning algorithms to screen through a universe of securities. That’s what’s happening in the real world.”

Judge Jeanette Ourada, retired vice president and controller of the Chevron Corp., added: “Your creative videos demonstrated your client focus and financial knowledge. The part I enjoyed the most was hearing about how you assessed each member’s skills and learned to work together as a team. You should all be very proud of your learning journey.”

“This competition is undoubtedly the best exposure to learning about finance, investment banking, asset management and management in practicality rather than just theory.” – Akshita S., Team Leader, The Beats of D Street

Many of the student team leaders, who spoke throughout the week’s virtual semifinals on everything from team dynamics and creativity to the addition of ETFs in this year’s investment portfolios, agreed that the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition was a profound learning journey.

Akshita S. of Amity International School Noida, India, team leader of the Beats from D Street, said, “This competition is undoubtedly the best exposure to learning about finance, investment banking, asset management and management in practicality rather than just theory. We also learned a lot about pitching in the right way…Our presentation draws inspiration from music, and the perfect song can’t be composed without every layer and every part of it coming together. And similarly, our team couldn’t either.”

Serve, Set, Spike

The semifinalist teams also heard from their competition client, Hilary Ash, the vice president of games delivery and venue infrastructure for the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

During a taped video message, she said, “I’m here to wish you the best of luck for the rest of the competition and already extend a huge congratulations for what you’ve accomplished so far… [Your] ambitious spirit and practical problem solving will continue to serve you well as you take on the next steps in your academic and professional careers.”

And let’s not forget volleyball, a passion highlighted in Hilary Ash’s client profile that inspired great creativity among student teams’ competition investment strategies. Professional portfolio manager and semifinals judge Joshua Tam of Laurel Avenue Management shared this with the teams: “The one thing that stood out to me was the ability to connect the client’s objectives to an investment strategy. I myself am pretty involved in volleyball, like the client. I’m a club coach here in Southern California and also a coach at the school level. So, a lot of your creativity resonated with me.”

Wharton Global Youth celebrates the incredible efforts of all the teams that have followed through on this investment competition journey since September 2023. The top 50 teams will receive certificates, digital badges to display on social media, Wharton Global Youth swag, and free access to PitchQuest, a new AI-powered simulation that teaches critical entrepreneurship skills.

Congratulations to the Top 11 teams advancing to the Wharton Global High School Investment Competition Global Finale! The Wharton Global Youth team can’t wait to greet you on campus next month on April 19 and 20. Tune into our newsroom and our monthly newsletter for the latest investment competition updates, including registration kickoff for the 2024-2025 competition in June. Exciting changes are in the works!


You can’t build an effective investment strategy without first knowing your client.

From the Wharton School to LA28, the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad: Meet Hilary Ash, W’13!

CASE STUDY:  You are an analyst team of recent college graduates working at an up-and-coming asset management company, Wharton Global Asset Management (WGAM). The firm currently manages a $100,000,000 portfolio that is invested across several different sectors, representing a broad range of industries and companies. The members of your analyst team hope to one day become portfolio managers who make the final investment decisions for WGAM’s portfolio.

WGAM’s portfolio manager (your team’s teacher/advisor) recently met with a potential client, Hilary Ash, who needs professional help achieving some specific investment goals (which we’ll get to in a minute). You hope to be the WGAM team that Hilary ultimately chooses to build her wealth from an initial $100,000 investment.

Introducing Hilary Ash

But first, let’s get to know your potential client.

Raised in Los Angeles, CA (U.S.), Hilary, now 32, began her college journey on the pre-med track and the volleyball court at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn) in Philadelphia, PA (U.S.). After taking a few business classes, she discovered her true passion and transferred into Penn’s Wharton School, a world leader in business education, her sophomore year. She gravitated toward entrepreneurship and innovation because she was inspired and challenged by the prospect of solving problems with an entrepreneurial mindset.

“I love thinking about business problems and coming up with new solutions, products and ideas.”

Sports have always been an important part of Hilary’s identity and her family’s livelihood (both her father and brother work in the sports industry). She excelled as a student-athlete in college and now co-chairs Penn’s women’s volleyball board. While attending Wharton, she explored the broad business of sports through internships with the cable sports channel ESPN and the X Games, an international action sports competition. She has also had the opportunity in her career to help create professional talent pipelines in underserved communities and rethink the typical standards, training and requirements required to get jobs in the sports industry.

After graduation, Hilary worked as a consultant for BCG, putting her business problem-solving skills to practice. Through her connections, she found her way to LA28, the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad, where she became the Vice President of Games Delivery and Venue Infrastructure. She and her team manage the venue masterplan strategy for the LA 2028 Olympic and Paralympic games, helping to identify, retrofit, design and build the structures needed to successfully deliver the various Olympic and Paralympic competitions when the global games come to Los Angeles in 2028.

Hilary’s Financial Goals

When she’s not strategizing about sports infrastructure, Hilary pursues her passions, including travel, real estate and her Labradoodle, Riggins. She and her husband Scott, who married only a year ago, enjoy immersing themselves in unique cultures and travel experiences.

Hilary believes that real estate investment is a way to create generational wealth for her (future) family. She owns two investment properties, one in the U.S. and, more recently, South America. She is eager to use the design skills she is developing in her professional role to renovate the modest South American property after the close of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in August 2028. She would like to allocate (and Ideally grow) 25% of her $100,000 investment to kickstart her South American home renovation. She expects WGAM to generate at least a $15,000 return on the initial $25,000 short-term investment by the end of 2028 to cover anticipated costs.

Hilary would like to combine her deep interests in entrepreneurship, inclusivity and global sports for her longer-term financial goal. She hopes to play a direct role in bringing more money into women’s sports and elevating women’s positions and influence in an increasingly international industry. Her longer-term financial goal is to open a women-owned sports consulting firm with a dual mission of helping women athletes and industry executives become more successful, while also providing greater sports access (players and fans) to underrepresented communities. She hopes that WGAM’s investing expertise can help make that business dream possible in the next 15 years.

